Empowering Muslim Voters
Increase civic engagement by educating and empowering voters to forge connections with elected officials.
Forge Connections Voters
Empower voters to increase civic engagement by forging connections with elected officials in New York.
Increase Voter Education
Educate and empower voters in New York to increase voter education and turnout for elections.
Increase Voter Turnout
Empower Muslim Voters
Empowering Voters
Educating and empowering voters to increase civic engagement and voter turnout.
Increase Voter Education
Our focus is on educating and empowering voters to increase civic engagement.
Forge Connections Now
We aim to forge connections with elected officials and increase voter turnout.
New York Muslim Action Network (NYMAN)
501(c)(3) organization based around voter education, community empowerment, and civic engagement.
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